Groseko Indarra The Surf Club

El Club –  Historia

The name Groseko Indarra came about on a summer afternoon (probably no waves that day) when a few legendary surfers were sitting on the old wall in Gros wondering what to do with a sea as still as glass. They thought they might start a club or an organization of some type. In the group were Juanpe (Sansinenea), Rene and a few assorted others. Juanpe suggested that the name should be something that reflected the intensity of the “Pico de Gros” peak waves and the strength of the Basque people. His grandfather had fought in the Spanish Civil War with the “Eusko Indarra” battalion, so he came up with the name “Groseko Indarra”. ESKERRIK ASKO – THANK YOU!!!!!

he name became official with the first local championship, ‘Groseko Indarra’, organized by Gabi ‘Gabilan’ Lasa, Iñigo ‘Ambi’ Iraola, and Alfonso ‘Txontxo’ Azketa. These names won’t mean anything to most of you, but these surfers have written many pages in the history of surfing in San Sebastián.

Years later, in 2000 the club was officially founded by Jesus Jiménez, Carlos Marichalar, Julen Larrañanaga and Haritz Mendiluze. The aim was to have a club open to everyone, to create a gathering place for people passionate about promoting surfing. Over the years the club membership grew as did the range of services offered. A place on the beach was created for surfers to change clothes and store their material. The surf school was founded, and the members began to organize international championships. One generation led to another and in 2013 a group of young surfers – Jon Mikel Zubeldia, Edgar de Pedro and Lander Irazabalbeitia – took over and continued working to make the club what it is today. We now have nearly 300 members and spacious new facilities inaugurated in 2015. Our surf school has become a gold standard in Donostia and we run a small a very unique café. And it’s all at the end of La Zurriola beach, near the water’s edge in Sagües. What more could we ask for!!

Although our club has a short history, we’ve been hugely successful in terms of competitions and have a line-up of accomplished surfers and bodyboarders, including Joserra Martínez, Marta Huércanos, Norman Landa, Haritz Mendiluze, Julen Larrañaga, Agurtzane Otegi, Iñigo Ganzarain, Lander Irazabalbeitia, Iñaki Gorospe, Beñat Elosua, Borja Gainzarain, Borja Agote, Ethan and Julen Egiguren…


Become a member

Nowadays there is a lot of demand to become a member of the club and enjoy our facilities. Therefore, membership is closed and there is a waiting list to become a member of the club. However, due to strong demand, this list is closed for the time being.


We’re located in Sagües, next to the ramp down to La Zurriola beach, right on the sand. Just grab your board and head to the water.

Our facilities were newly refurbished and enlarged in 2015. We’ve got everything we need for members and customers alike.

🌊 Ride your next wave with us!